15 February 2025
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Furusjøen Rundt Ski runs in a fantastic terrain at Kvamsfjellet, located at the entrance to Rondane National Park, one of Norway's most beautiful mountain areas.

Choose between 45 km, a part of Ski Classics Challengers and seeding to Birkebeinerrennet, Vasaloppet and Marcialonga, 20 km or 12 km in classic tecnique through a wintery landscape, from wooded hills to snowy mountains.


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Mat- og drikkestasjoner
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12 km
20 km
45 km
Ski Classics Challengers

The Ski Classics Challengers series is designed to take a bigger responsibility for the sport itself, connect and promote long-distance skiing and roller-skiing events around the world, giving the opportunity for an unlimited number of events to be part of the Ski Classics brand.

Ski Classics celebrate its 16th season as the long distance skiing championship (Season XVI, 2024/2025), combining a maximum amount of 14 events into a Professional tour for Pro Teams. The uniqueness about the concept is that professional and recreational skiers both take part in the events, standing on the starting line together, facing the same weather conditions and courses, all genders alike.

All events

Ski Classics MyPages

Once you have registered and connected your profile, you can start enjoying the MyPages features.
All skiers taking part in Ski Classics Pro Tour and Challengers events can create an account to keep track of their results, collect diplomas and pins and view their own SC Ranking.

Ski Classics Challengers points

Ski Classics points are awardet according to the points in the table.

Athletes must act in accordance with the rules of Ski Classics, FIS and race specific rules for Furusjøen Rundt Ski.

SC Ranking:

Course description

From the start there are 10 tracks beyond Orvillingen, further downhill towards Vassmillom. Here the route divides into two. The 20 km runs towards Vålåsjøen, while the 45 km continues towards Kringseter and the first climb up the Smukksjøen.

The family race over 12 km turns off the common trail at Skjemtjønna in the direction towards Hovde.

After a speedy descent towards Fryosen, the trail crosses the river, Frya, at the southern end of the lake, Furusjøen, and then enters the common trail again down towards the food station at Frya.
We note that the 12 km trail crosses the road open to ordinary traffic several times, so it is important to be caution.

From Smukksjøen, the tracks goes down towards Vålåsjøen and meets the 20 km at the Vålåsjøsætrene and Karelen food- and drink zone. The track then continues in light and varied terrain towards Pungen. Continue past Luseby and down towards Frya and third/second food zone. Here the trail divides again, 20 km continues up towards Hovdemyra, while 45 km continues down Frydalen.

Sunset. Photo: Rondane Kvamsfjellet Turløypelag.

From Frya, the track goes towards Fiskedalen and the third feed zone. From here, the trail swings suddenly to the right (90 degrees) and back towards Furusjøen. The track runs slightly up the vally of Bergemellom in slightly hilly terrain to Hovdemyra and the fourth feed zone.

Here the tracks meet again and follow the same course to the finish. Congratulations, you have completed "The Adventure in Rondane".

Rules and regulations

International Competition Rules (ICR) Cross-Country by FIS. Special provisions for race for amateurs; G. Popular Cross-Country Competitions, starting from point 380.

Rules and regulations by Ski Classics. The rules are valid on top of the rules of the national ski federation (and FIS).

Participants are obliged to follow NSF's laws and regulations.
Furusjøen Rundt Ski is arranged in a classic tecnique and is in accordance with the regulations. Technique control are performed in several places in the track.

Participants who do not follow the rules may be disqualified.


Registration is online registration on our website via EQ Timing. The registration is binding; once the registration have been registered, the participant will be listed on our start lists.
If, after registered registration, you make changes that result in a reduced entry fee, the excess will not be refunded.

Personal information

The registration also gives us the right to use information related to the participant's name, sport club, class and results.
Registration also means that images can be posted on our websites, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other image/video bases.
The images are placed in our photo archive and may be re-used by the organizer or third party in connection with our websites, newsletters, reports, advertisements and other advertising activities.

Participant responsibility

  • To ensure that all personal information is correct and that the information in the registration corresponds to the choice of route and class. It is forbidden to participate under the name of another person.
  • To retrieve their participant envelope with the start number (one-time number with timing chip) well in advance of your own start
  • Bringing identification and license cards for those with a full year license
  • To have a valid license, it is mandatory in all races - either one-time or full-year license.
  • To use specified waste zones (at feed zones) and not waste other places in the nature
  • To show consideration and good sportsmanship and not in any way hinder other participants
  • Have respect for the track marking and follow signs/directions from start to finish. Leave the left track for the passing of faster runners

Cut-Off times

Cut-off time applies to the longest distance, 45 km.
Participants who arrive at the feed zone at 24.5 km after the deadline will be removed from the race.

Everyone has to pass the feed zone in Frya, 24.5 km, by 13:45 CET

If the weather indicates a turnaround to two laps à 20 km, the cut-off  time is 13:20 CET by rounding half run.

The participant may proceed without starting number and outside of the organizer's responsibility.

Nature and waste

Use waste zones at feed zones. Photo: Thomas Petterson

Rondane and Kvamsfjellet has a beautiful, but vulnerable nature. It is important for us as organizers to make sure that Furusjøen Rundt does not destroy this.
There is zero tolerance for littering along the track. Littering is punished with 10 minutes extra in time.


According to the Norwegian Ski Association's regulations:
If cancellation of the event prior to the event day, the organizer may retain 50% of the entry fee for expenses.

If the event must be moved to another location on the same date, or canceled to be performed at a later date, or to be moved to another location on a new date, those who were registered to the original date, but who does not re-start a new date does not require repayment of the entry fee.
In case of cancellation during the event day due to sudden weather/climatic conditions or other "force majeure", the organizer retains the entry fee.


If the participant becomes ill or is prevented from starting, 50% of the entry fee (price before price increase) will be refunded by presentation of a medical certificate no later than 1 week after the expiry date.

DNF - did not finish

All participants are encouraged to report to the Race-Office immediately if they stand off the race/course.
Contact the nearest security post or directly at the Race-Office at the venue. This is so that we have an overview of all the participatiors, and to be able to provide service to relatives etc.
Take off your starting number, and do not cross the finish line.


If you discover injured persons along the way, report this to the nearest host or Red Cross personnel. Try to get the extent of the injuries and the location.
If necessary, call the Red Cross emergency number. The phone number is on the back of your starting number.

Entry fee and license

Licence is compulsory to participate in all types of races and is in addition to the entry fee.

Oct 15 to Des 31 Jan 1 to Feb 12 Late registration
45 km Furusjøen Rundt Ski
Ski Classics Challengers. Seeding. From 15 years
595,- 730,- 880,-
20 km Furusjøen Rundt Ski
From 15 years
505,- 620,- 730,-
20 km Furusjøen Rundt
Without timing. From 13 years
160,- 195,- 295,-
12 km Furusjøen Rundt
Without timing. From 13 years
160,- 195,- 295,-
20 km Furusjøen Rundt Family
without timing. Up to 5 persons in the family/household (no age limit)
575,- 650,- 880,-
12 km Furusjøen Rundt Family
without timing. Up to 5 persons in the family/household (no age limit)
520,- 630,- 880,-
In addition; administration fee of NOK. 15,- and license.

380.2 Licenses (International Competition Rules (ICR) Cross-Country)
Licensed competitors are responsible for complying with the license requirements of their own NSAs (National Ski Association).

Licence for foreign nationals

Foreign participants must resolve a one-time licence with the organizer if they have not approved a licence from their NSA.

One-time licence
Purchased at the organizer of the race and applies only to that race

One-time license
13 - 25 years NOK 100,-
26 - and older *) NOK 250,-
Without timing (no age difference) NOK 100,-
Family (max. two one-time license) NOK 200,-

* ) Persons who turn 80 years in the competition year can not apply for a license, voluntarily for participants who are 70 years and older.
Children under the age of 13 are covered through children's sports. The one-time license goes back in its entirety to the NSF.

Starting order

45 km Furusjøen Rundt Ski

The starting order is based on the following:

1. Points in SC-Ranking/Standing at Ski Classics

2. Selfseeding upon registration

3. Ranking based on past results and comparable results at EQ Timing.

Regular registration closes on Wednesday at. 23:59 CET before the raceday. Registered within this time will be considered in the ranking for the starting position.

At late registration, the participants must start in the back of their wave. When wave are full registrated, you are automatically set up at the next available starting number.

20 km Furusjøen Rundt Ski
The starting order is based on the following:

1. Selfseeding upon registration

2. Ranking based on past results and comparable results at EQ Timing.

Late registration - automatically set up at the next available starting number
Whitout timing and family line up at the back of the wave, with no fixed starting place.

Fixed starting places

To avoid cuddling, stress and hassle in the beginning we have fixed starting places.
10 starting tracks x 20 rows = 200 starting per wave.

Your starting number says where in the starting field your starting place is. This means that starting numbers ending in -1 start at the left, it ends at -0 at the far right.

  • Start number from one and red frame = 45 km
  • Starting number one thousand and blue frame = 20 km
  • Starting number two thousand and blue frame = 20 km whitout timing
  • Starting number three thousand and green frame = 12 km

Start matrix

Award ceremony

In addition to the awards below, we have a number of bonus awards given by our sponsors. Prizes collected at the Race-Office. Announcement of winners on the information board at the venue.

45 km Furusjøen Rundt Ski, men and women
The top three overall men and women
5 000,-
3 000,-
2 000,-
Furusjøen Rundt Medal by the finish line
20 km Furusjøen Rundt Ski, men and women
The top three overall
Gift prize
Furusjøen Rundt Medal by the finish line
12 km Furusjøen Rundt Ski, without timing and Family
All Furusjøen Rundt Medal by the finish line

Classwinners 20 km and 45 km, own prizes. Classwinners will pick these up at the Race-Office after finishing.

The prizemoney are in Norwegian kroner.

Unclaimed prizes are not forwarded. Furusjøen Rundt neck in the envelope with you bib for everyone.

Bonus awards given by our sponsors, drawn by starting number.
The list of winners at the information board. Winners of the bonus prizes will pick these up at the Race-Office after finishing.


Photo: Ingrid Rudi Teige


Wednesday, before race day
23:59:59 Ordinary registration closes
Thursday, before race day
Approx. 19:00 Official start list publish
Friday, day before race day
09:00-17:00 Sport 1 Ringebu
Sport shop
10:00-18:00 Sport 1 Vinstra
Sport shop
10:00-17:00 Ruststugusetra
Grocery, hand craft shop, cafè with ridiculously good Cinnamon Rolls
16:30 Team Captains meeting Ski Classics teams at the Race Office tent on the venue
07:00-21:00 Race Office at Kiwi Kvam
Distribution BIBs all races. License check. 
Saturday, race day
From 09:00 Race Office at the venue.
Distribution BIBs all races. License check. 
From 10:00 Cafe and Kiosk at the venue.
10:00-17:00 Ruststugusetra
Grocery, hand craft shop, cafè with ridiculously good Cinnamon Rolls
Approx. 13:30 Award ceremony


Start times

11:00 Wave 1, BIBs 1 - 200
45 km
11:05 Wave 2, BIBs 201 - 400
45 km
11:10 Wave 3, BIBs 401 - 600
45 km
12:15 Wave 1, all
20 km
12:20 Wave 1, all
12 km

Some groups with low participation may be merged.
Your exact start time will be stated on your starting number envelope that you pick up from the Race-Office and on the start lists.

45 km of Furusjøen Rundt Ski has a wave start every 5 minutes, a maximum of 200 skiers in each wave.
20 km Furusjøen Rundt whitout timing stand in the back of the starting field.

Feed- and drink zones

There are many feed-/drink zones, depends wich distance you are attending.

Feed zone
Number of km to finish
Fuel of Norway KRINGSÆTRIN Fuel of Norway sports drink
37 km
Fuel of Norway KARELEN Fuel of Norway sports drink
29 km

13 km
Fuel of Norway FRYLIA Fuel of Norway sports drink
For 20/12 km: Cola
20 km
4,5 km
4,5 km
Fuel of Norway FISKEDALEN Fuel of Norway sports drink
12 km
Fuel of Norway BERGEMILLOM Cola
Fuel of Norway sports drink
5 km
Fuel of Norway FINISH LINE Fuel of Norway sports drink
Tomatosoup w/macaroni and Eventyrbrød

45 km | 20 km | 12 km
Be an environmental friend - use the waste zones at the feed zones.
Refers to other rules and regulations


Feed- and drink zone map



Furusjøen Rundt Ski  follows the Norwegian Ski Association's (NSF) rules for "Popular Cross-Country Competitions"

TURRENN (...) Age is 15 years and older and there is no length restriction.
TRIM (whitout timing) (...) Age is 13 years and older at races up to 40 km (...)
FAMILY CLASSES (...) For races longer than 40 km, the minimum age is 15 years, otherwise no age limit (...)

We have the following classes:

Min. age
Max age
Min. age
Max. age
M/W 15 15 15 M/W 45 45 49
M/W 16 16 17 M/W 50 50 54
M/W 18 18 19 M/W 55 55 59
M/W 20 20 24 M/W 60 60 64
M/W 25 25 29 M/W 65 65 69
M/W 30 30 34 M/W 70 70 74
M/W 35 35 39 M/W 75 75 79
M/W 40 40 44 M/W 80 80 +

Applies to both 45 km and 20 km.

Whitout timing, indiviual 13 years +
Familiy No age limit

Applies only to 12 and 20 km Trim and Family.

The age class is determined by the age you have on 31.12. of the competition year.

The venue

Rudland Fjellsenter is the area for the venue. Adress is Breiensdokka 9, 2642 Kvam.
See maps for directions

  • Red Cross Health care
  • Large and modern toilet van
  • Wardrobe tent at the venue
  • Wardrobe with shower in the club house in Kvam Idrettspark, (12 km from the venue)
  • Parking close to the start/finish line, NOK 60, -, only when you register for the race
  • Serving/kiosk (cash or Vipps)
  • Large serving tent; serving of soup w/macaroni and bread to all participants
  • Race-Office
  • Expo from sponsors
Race Office

Distribution of BIBs with timer chip and participant prize.
Late registration, only on website, until one hour before start.

Photo: Thomas Petterson

Race Office opening time

Friday before the race: Kiwi Kvam, CET 07:00-21:00

Saturday raceday: At the venue; From CET 09:00


Starting number with timing chip attached to the chest and is visible to all during the whole race.

At DNF (did not finish): take off your staring number, and do not pass the finish line.

Lost and found

If you miss something, this can be reported to the Race Office. If you have found something, please leave it at the Race Office.
Lost property is taken care of for one year after the event. Please send us an email.


Parking is available at the venue area.
If needed, parking is also available at Ruststugusetra and Bjørgebu.

We ask you to follow the parking guards' instructions.

Parking fee NOK. 60, -. Only when you register for the race

Photo: Fredrik Weikle

Contact race management

General inquiry:

Chief of Competition:

Per Henry Vassdokken, tel.: +47 917 20 259, e-mail:


Ole Petter Brendstuen, tel .: +47 907 78 999, e-mail:


Anette Lunde, tel.: +47 909 49 647, e-mail:


Jørn Bekkelund, Søre Ål IL, tel.: 957 58 568, e-mail:


What is seeding?
Seeding is that you get comparable results from some given races, where you are then set up in starting waves where the participants have approximately equal capacity and are more even. It is to create the best flow and rhythm in the race.
Furusjøen Rundt offers good opportunities to get good results and ensure good seeding and starting wave.

45 km Furusjøen Rundt Ski are seeding race for the following races:



Below you will find invitations to the Furusjøen Rundt Ski.

Please note that this is a non-dynamic document, and changes and updated information - we refer to our website.

Weather at Kvamsfjellet
Postboks 61
2642 Kvam 913 776 909
Phone: 909 49 647
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