6 September 2025
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The Furusjøen Rundt course runs in beautiful natural surroundings and offers a number of different distances which make it a great race to take the whole family on. The Furusjøen Rundt-run saw the light of day as early as 1966

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Course description

18 km Furusjøen Rundt-run

The run starts at Rudland Fjellsenter, goes 500 meters on paved road towards Bjørgebu. From here, the run goes in to Peer-Gynt Seterveg before turning left to Årvillingen. The course runs in light, flat terrain along the Årvillingen on Gamle Hovdeveg further inwards towards Hovde on gravel road and the first drink station. Here the course turns off towards Fryosen and on towards Frylisætra.
From Frylisætra the course continues in the terrain towards Luseby, over Glitra and to Pungen and the second drink station.
The course continues on gravel road towards Furusjøbu and Vålåsjåsætrin, then turns off towards Vassmillom where drinking station no. three is located. The course then follows the gravel road for a good 3 km up towards Haugsetra, before descending again via Rustugusetra towards the finish at Rudland Fjellsenter.

8 km Furusjøen Rundt-run - also Snute

The run starts at Rudland Fjellsenter, goes 500 meters on paved road towards Bjørgebu. From here, the run goes in to Peer-Gynt Seterveg before turning left to Årvillingen. The course runs in light, flat terrain along the Årvillingen on Gamle Hovdeveg.
At the intersection of Gamle Hovdeveg - Furusjøråket, the courses are separated, and the 8 km run continues by turning left into Furusjøeråket with Furusjøen and Rondane as a backdrop. After just under 600 meters, turn left and continue on Krokkbekkvegen before leaving the dirt road and into the terrain. Here you run/walk on the gravel path, before coming to Vassmillom and drink station after 4.8 km.From the drink station to the finish line you follow the same course as the 18 km run. Gravel3 km up towards Haugsetra, into Ruststugusetra and towards the finish at Rudland Fjellsenter.

Snipp and Snapp

Snipp: 0-6 years
Snapp: 6-10 years

Snapp starts at the main road/parking – then runs an obstacle course up to the start of Snipp just below Ruststugusetra. Here you turn and run the same way back, cross the road and into the finish.

Snipp starts on the downside of Ruststugusetra after everyone from Snapp has turned the course. Here you run in a small obstacle course that contains jumps, slalom and other elements. Cross the main road and then run into the finish in the same route as everyone else.

Rules and regulations


All participants are obliged to follow these rules as well as to adhere to the organizer's instructions and instructions. Violation of one or more conditions may result in disqualification.


All registration is done via the online registration on our website. The registration is binding. Once the registration and payment have been confirmed and registered, the participant will be listed on our official start lists. If, after registered registration, you make changes that result in a reduced price, the excess will not be refunded.

Personal information:

The registration also gives us the right to use information related to the participant's name, class, club and results on the internet. The registration also means that images and videos can be used and used on our websites, social media, and in future marketing material.

Visible starting numbers:

The starting number with timer chip must be visible on the chest throughout the race.


All participants must have a license. The license terms from the national federation can be found here. Children up to the age of 13 are insured through the sport's child insurance.

Earplugs with sound:

On roads open to public traffic it is not allowed to use sound on the ear (mobile, ipod etc.) due to traffic safety. They can be used in terrain if desired.


If the event is canceled prior to the event day, the organizer may retain 50% of the starting fee to cover expenses. If the event must be moved to another location on the same date, or canceled to be performed at a later date, or to be moved to another location on a new date, those who were registered to the original date, but who does not re-start a new date does not require repayment of any part of the starting fee.In case of cancellation during the event day due to  weather/climatic conditions or other “force majeure”, the organizer retains the starting fee.

Illness and reimbursement:

All registration is binding. No part of the starting fee will be refunded in accordance with general rules for scheduled events.

Participant responsibility:
Participants are responsible for ensuring that all personal information is correct.
Participants are responsible for ensuring that information in the registration corresponds to the choice of course and class.
Participants are responsible for collect their participant envelope well in advance of their own start.
Participants may be required to provide identification when collecting the starting number.
Participants are required to follow applicable traffic laws on public roads.
Otherwise, the organizer's marking and instructions must be followed from start to finish.

Nature and waste:

Rondane and Kvamsfjellet have a beautiful but vulnerable nature. It is important for us as organizers to make sure that Furusjøen Rundt does not destroy this.

There is zero tolerance for littering along the path. Littering is punished with 10 minutes extra in time.

DNF or injuries:

Everyone urges to report to the Race Office immediately if they break the race. Contact the nearest security post.
If you find injured persons on the way, report this to the nearest official or Red Cross personnel. Try to get an overview of the extent of the injury and the location of the injury site. If necessary, call the Red Cross - the phone number is on the back of your starting number.

Entry fee and license

The license is compulsory for participating in all types of runs and comes in addition to the starting fee.

Distance Starting fee - 30 June NOK Starting fee 1 July- 3 September NOK Starting fee 4 September - 6 September NOK
18 km Furusjøen Rundt-run
260,- 350,- 450,-
8 km Furusjøen Rundt-run
195,- 285,- 385,-
8 km Furusjøen Rundt Family
450,- 450,- 780,-
Snipp (0-5 years) and Snapp (6-8 years)
50,- 70,- 90,-

Family registration applies to up to 5 people in the same household/address, of which at least one person is over 18 years (must be registered first in the registration, then other family members). Family is only valid for 8 km and everyone must attend at the same distance.

Are you a member of Kondis - and want to participate in the Furusjøen Rundt-run? Contact us for a discounted entry fee.


If a participant turns 13 this year for participation and does not have a full-year license, the participant must purchase a one-time license. The license is required until the participant reaches the age of 80.

Children under the age of 13 have covered a license through the sport's child insurance.

Anyone who signs up for a full-year license upon registration may be required to obtain proof og license when collecting entry number.

The one-time license is purchased from the organizer and only applies to that race.
It is emphasized that everyone must have released NFIF (Norwegian Athletics Association) license from the year one turns 13, regardless of when in the year one is turning year.

Prices of one-off license are calculated based on the sum of the starting fee:

Registration fee One time license
NOK 50 - 100 NOK 20
NOK 101 - 250 NOK 30
NOK 251 - 400 NOK 40
NOK 401 < NOK 50

Read more about license here

Award ceremony

In addition to the awards below, we have a number of prizes given by our sponsors drawn on the start number. This prizes can be collected in the Race Office. Notice of winners on the information board at the stadium.

18 km Furusjøen Rundt-run
1 place
2 place
3 place
All participants
NOK 1 000
NOK 750
NOK 500
8 km Furusjøen Rundt-run
1 place
2 place
3 place
All participants
Gift prize
Gift prize
Gift prize
All participants Furusjøen Rundt-medal

The cash prizes are gift cards from Sport 1 and are in NOK.

Participant prize: In the start number envelope, all participants receive their own Furusjøen Rundt-buff.

Prizes is not sent forward.


Late registration: Before 11:00 on the race day, only on the website. Before 10:30 for Snipp and Snapp.

Distance Run Starting time
Snapp 11:00
Snipp 11:10
18 km
Furusjøen Rundt-run 12:00
8 km
Furusjøen Rundt-run 12:20
Feed- and drink zones

There are three food/drink stations along the course, depending on the distance you attend.

Fuel of Norway Fryosen
Fuel of Norway sports drink and water
18 km
Fuel of Norway Pungen
Fuel of Norway sports drink and water
18 km
Fuel of Norway Vassmillom
Fuel of Norway sports drink and water
18 km
8 km
Fuel of Norway Finish
Fuel of Norway sports drink and water
Tomato soup w/macaroni
Only for Snipp-Snapp-Snute in addition: Juice
18 km
8 km
Snipp Snapp

Food/drink station map - Here's how to find it at the food/drink station:



Certificate, Quality run

The Furusjøen Rndt-run is a Quality Run - a certification/approval in collaboration with the Norwegian organization for fitness (Kondis).

Are you a member of Kondis - and want to participate in the Furusjøen Rundt-run? Contact us for a discounted registration fee.

Furusjøen Rundt-run 18 km, was measured in 2017.



The venue

Rudland Fjellsenter is the area for the stadium. The address is: Breiensdokka 9, 2642 Kvam, Norway.

Free parking
Kiosk (cash and Vipps)
Race Office from 10:00 a.m.
Large toilet wagon
Wardrobes at the end of the serving tent
Wardrobes with shower in Kvam Idrettspark (12 km from the stadium)

Race Office

Registration deadline:
Wednesday before the race, at 23.59 via our website.
Late registration is possible to a higher cost before 11:00 on the race day, and only via our website.

We recommend everyone to sign up via the website by the deadline.
This is to avoid queues and delays on race day, and that pre-registration forms the basis for the start list that is advertised on the website before the race.

Snipp-Snapp: Pre-registration via the website, deadline is Wednesday before the race, at 23.59.
For children up to 10 years, the deadline for registration is 10:30 a.m. on race day.

Open on the race day: From 10:00 a.m.

Distribution of starting number. Starting numbers are affixed to the chest and must be visible throughout the competition.
Opportunities for late registration up to one hour before the start of the race, subject to full classes.

You can choose to collect your start number at Sport 1 Ringebu or Sport 1 Vinstra in the open shop on Friday.
When registering, select the desired location for pick-up, either in the sports shop or our own Race Office:
Sport 1 Ringebu (09:00 a.m. - 16:30 p.m.)
Sport 1 Vinstra (10:00 a.m. - 18:00 p.m.)
Start numbers that has not been collected at Sport 1, will be available in the Race Office on the race day.

Contact race management

Questions, comments or other things? Contact us.

General inquiries:



Anette Lunde, Tel.: +47 909 49 677, E-mail: anette@furusjoenrundt.no


Ole Petter Brendstuen, Tel.: +47 907 78 999, E-mail: post@kvamil.no

Please note that during holidays and weekends there may be a longer response time.
Thanks for understanding.

Weather at Kvamsfjellet
Postboks 61
2642 Kvam
Org.nr: 913 776 909
Phone: 909 49 647
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